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Up Next in The Ultimate MST3K Digital Collection

  • Space Mutiny

    In the theater, the crew watches as a beefcake space pilot attempts to stop a mutiny on a ship with a giant boiler room in "Space Mutiny" (1988). Meanwhile, on the SOL, Crow is pretty sure he is a Bellerian.

  • Time Chasers

    In the theater, the crew watches as a physics teacher turns his light plane into a time machine and travels to the future to stop his future self from destroying the world. Meanwhile, on the SOL, Crow messes with the timeline when he goes into the past.

  • The Phantom Planet

    In the theater, the crew watches as an astronaut is captured by the tiny alien inhabitants of a mysterious planet in "The Phantom Planet" (1961). Meanwhile, on the SOL, Mike and the Bots have a glass armonica recital.