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Up Next in The Ultimate MST3K Digital Upgrade

  • Creeping Terror

    In the theater, the crew watches as a blob-like creature terrorizes a quiet town in "The Creeping Terror" (1964). Meanwhile, on the SOL, Mike refuses to salute the flag Crow has designed.

  • Bloodlust!

    In the theater, the crew watches as a a group of college kids are trapped on a private island and hunted by a madman in BLOODLUST (1961). Meanwhile, on the SOL, Crow manages to ruin both a square dancing session and a murder mystery dinner theater. This episode features the short "Uncle Jim's Dai...

  • The Sinister Urge

    In the theater, the crew watches as a cop tries to shut down a "smut-picture racket" that may be connected to a series of killings in "The Sinister Urge" (1960). Meanwhile, on the SOL, Mike and the bots must reluctantly figure out a way to save Dr. Forrester from being blown up by TV's Frank. Thi...